
It took me a long time to start liking these dolls. I think one needs to grow into liking them. Even a few months ago I was quite indifferent to them, then suddenly it all changed and I was hooked!

The first Zwergnase doll that really caught my attention was Ovelia and I would really love to have her… If not for her height of 90 cm! I realized some time ago (by trial and error) that I shouldn’t buy dolls taller than 60 cm. Alas, most of Zwergnase dolls are taller than that. So it wasn’t an easy task for me to choose MY first doll. I thought she should be 55 cm (22″) tall or less, have happy but not overly happy expression. I wanted her to look intelligent, too. I thought I would prefer a red-haired one. And freckles were an absolute must!

And I found her! She is Gemma, 2008, No 9 of LE95. She came to me from a lovely shop in Holland, the owner of which is a doll collector herself and a great pleasure to chat to. She adores these dolls and I can see why!

The quality of Zwergnase dolls can’t be praised high enough! Beautifully made multilayer outfit, boots of genuine leather. Gemma has a soft bottom and upper thighs and also inserts in her upper arms – all made of suede. The only things is that she can’t stand on her own, but then there are doll stands!

I hope you will enjoy the photogallery!

8 thoughts on “Gemma

  1. Забавная девчушка. Жалко, что она по росту не подходит Анюте.Были бы замечательными подружками 🙂

  2. Марина, спасибо! Да, с Аннушкой они совсем разного формата, хотя чем-то похожи… Обе чудесные.

  3. Оленька, поздравляю с приездом очаровательного рыжика!!! Как здорово она позирует, все фотографии очень понравились!!!

  4. Леночка, спасибо большое! Я от нее сама просто пищу! Восторг полный! Она такая живая!!

  5. Your Gemma is a lovely girl!! Zwergnase dolls will always be my first love. They are just incredible. Their sculpts are just so realistic and they are so full of style and flair. They are bursting with personality and so full of attitude.

  6. The Junior dolls or play dolls are superb as well though much more affordable. They have the beautiful leather boots, look very expressive and do stand without help. From their 50cm they make sisters for the Maru and friends or the kidz and why not for the AG.

    1. Yes, I have seen the play doll line. They are lovely! Do you have any? I would love to have a look!

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