Rowena by Carpatina

Carpatina dolls have always been rather special for me. The very first doll that I bought for my first daughter for her 4th birthday was a Carpatina doll – Emma. Back then, I was choosing between American Girl and Carpatina dolls, and Carpatina won because of her vinyl body which is more pleasing and proportionate and because of her sweet face. Yes, a few years later, for her 7th birthday I finally got my daughter an American Girl doll (and one for myself – and thus, my doll collection began), but still, Carpatina is very very special to me.

I wasn’t really planning to buy a new doll – truly, I have enough! – but somehow, on a spur of a moment, just before our international relocation (just the right timing, right?) I took the plunge and ordered one Carpatina doll for myself. For a long time I had been toying with the idea of buying either Veronika (because of her amazing combination of raven hair and violet blue eyes) or Rowena (because of her sweet medieval looks). In the end, I got Rowena. And I couldn’t be happier with my choice!

There are 7 girls and 2 boys in Carpatina doll line. The girls are Julia (the first sculpt, the same as our Emma), Chinese girl Ana Ming and Japanese girl Kohanna, medieval girls Veronika and Rowena and two basic dolls – Zoe and Erin. As I understand there will be a new boy soon – and his prototype looks gorgeous, so most likely he will join my doll family.

Here is the box in which my Rowena arrived – a sturdy carton box with a window. The doll inside is very carefully wrapped so you can’t see her when the box is out of the shipper.


The back of the box with photos of other dolls in the current Carpatina doll line.


Here is how my Rowena was wrapped inside her box: a layer of tissue paper, some bubble wrap…


then the doll herself was inside a plastic bag and securely attached to the box with ribbons.


Rowena’s shoes were also protected with a plastic bag.



And she is out! The first thing I noticed about Rowena is her thick curls. She truly has the most exquisite hair – long, thick and just plain gorgeous!



Rowena has auburn hair and deep blue eyes that can close. I just love this combination. I also love this sculpt. Before, I was very fond of the Emma / Julia sculpt (I was even thinking of getting Julia straight after I bought Emma for my daughter), but this sculpt is just as gorgeous.



And here is the view of Rowena’s hair from the back. It’s a high quality wig. Just look at these gorgeous curls! I don’t know how well they will keep their shape after a while but since this doll won’t be played with by a child I guess the curls are quite safe.



Rowena’s dress has a medieval look. Which is not surprising considering her name – Rowena – is also a name of the main character in one of my favourite novels by Sir Walter Scott – Ivanhoe. (I actually named two of my Kidz’n’Cats dolls Rowena and Wilfred precisely for that reason!)

Anyway, the dress… It’s not, of course, very authentic from the historical point of view but for a playdoll it doesn’t matter (I know I am obsessed with historical accuracy but girls don’t care about it much and it’s easier for them to dress their doll in a simpler dress). In real life, a medieval dress would have had layers – at least a shift, then the dress on top and a separate belt – girdle. Here we can see a very pretty stylisation. The green brocade dress is made in one piece and is fully lined (including the skirt!). The girdle is part of the dress and is attached to it. There is no dreaded velcro (a huge huge plus – I can’t stand velcro in doll clothing!). The dress closes at the back with snaps. Underneath the dress Rowena wears panties.


Another part of Rowena’s outfit – golden slippers which are just lovely.


A close-up of the dress closure.



And one more portrait before I finish!


The bottom line: Carpatina dolls are gorgeous and are definitely worth every penny! And Rowena is one of the most beautiful dolls among Carpatina dolls. Get her and you won’t regret it!!

More photos are in the gallery below:

10 thoughts on “Rowena by Carpatina

  1. I love my two – Julia and Kohanna. They are such a great size and have realistic bodies. Their lip colour is less harsh than some of the Carpatinas too. Those dark-lipstick red lips are the one thing that put me off buying Veronika.
    Rowena may have to come here next……she’s lovely. Nothing will push my beautiful, tanned skinned Julia out of her first place in my heart though!

    Another thing I love about Mihaela’s dolls is that she doesn’t pander to the current belief that children have to have velcro on doll clothes or they won’t cope. These dolls are great for collectors, but I have found children adore them.

    1. I totally agree with you, Jenni! Carpatina dolls have a lovely proportionate body and sweet faces. I may wish for them to have some extra joints, but that’s not so important.

      That’s why I didn’t buy Veronika – because of her dark lips. I don’t like dark Gothic style in dolls, and I don’t believe girls had such dark lips in the Middle Ages. But still, she is gorgeous (and a different sculpt!).

      I also love Julia – ever since I saw her 8 years ago! Does she really have a more tanned vinyl then? I love some tan in dolls.

      It’s great that Mihaela doesn’t use velcro for the doll clothing. When I had a doll shop in Singapore a few years ago I used to sell Carpatina’s outfits for AG dolls – and they were extremely popular and nobody complained about the absence of velcro (in fact, that was a huge plus!).

      Gosh, I now (again!) want Julia!!

  2. Оля, привет)))
    Поздравляю с чудесным пополнением персональной коллекции)) Ровена ведь не только будет радовать тебя своим присутствием, но и будет напоминать о таком долгожданном и приятном событии;) Даже с учетом стилизации, средневековый образ задуман и исполнен великолепно. И сама она – такая красавица! Судя по цвету волос, насыщенно-зеленому платью с характерным стилем отделки я бы предположила у этой девушки кельтские корни.

    PS. Как ощущения после переезда?

    1. Лара, привет! Спасибо большое! Да, у меня есть для нее идеи – и в средневековом, и в 18-вековом / шотландском (Аутлендер) и других образах. Очень и очень удачная девочка.

      ЗЫ. Пока ощущение оторванности в пространстве, потому как “оттуда” уже уехала, а “туда” еще не доехала. Муж еще тоже до “туда” не доехал. Я сейчас в России. Мои БЖД уже долетели до пункта назначения и меня там ждут, а про контейнер пока новостей нет (ТТТ). Пока мне с трудом верится, что после этих каникул мне не надо возвращатьсяв Сингапур, но и Англию пока не могу представить, т.к. наш дом я видела только на картинках (муж купил его в конце прошлого года). Так что полные впечатления еще впереди. Одно могу сказать, из Сингапура уезжать было очень тяжело и грустно, все-таки привыкла я к нему уже.

  3. Идеи по Аутлендеру вдохновляются тоже образом Клэр или какой-то другой героини? А средневековые идеи связаны с кем-то конкретно?
    Судя по обратной стороне коробки с Ровеной, у Карпатины мальчики бывают только в современных образах. Новенький тоже?

    Приятного вам с домом знакомства, тем более, что оно такое долгожданное))) Как скоро состоится это событие?

    1. Лара, идеи по Аутлендеру вдохновляются не Клэр, а ее с Джейми дочерью Брианной. Она копия папы – рыжая и голубоглазая. Но наряды в голове пока не оформились. Вероятно, пока придется им быть просто нарядами 18 века примерно 1770х годов. Ведь в прошлое Брианна попадет только в 4-й книге (и соответственно, только 4-м сезоне сериала).

      До встречи с домом осталось чуть больше двух недель. Но муж уже там!

    2. Лара, забыла написать. Мальчики у Карпатины все как раз исторические, хоть и есть у них по современному костюму. Новый будет откровенно средневековым принцем (Принц Стефан). Но мальчики у них мне не нравятся, они слишком непропорциональные – маленькое тело и большая голова. На Стефана посмотрю сначала, прежде чем решиться на покупку.

  4. Роскошная кукла, обожаю “Карпатина”, одни из самых красивых кукол! Любуюсь на фотографии твоей новенькой!

    1. Леночка, спасибо! О да, Ровена просто шикарна!! Я очень рада, что решилась на нее – ведь у меня очень большой перерыв был с куклами Карпатина!

  5. I am responding to your post on Carpatina dolls. I think the Prince Stephan is so much more beautiful than any of the girl dolls. The girl’s eyes are too spooky to me. I wish they looked more like Stephan. He seems to have a little personality just from his facial features alone, don’t you think?

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