Customized Tris

Recently I decided to customize quite a few of my dolls. And the first “victims” were two of my Bonnie and Pearl dolls. I like these dolls but didn’t like their blue sleepy eyes which reflected light like cat’s eyes. So, I decided to replace them with fixed glass eyes. I had to cut their heads under their wigs but that was easy to do.

So, here is the the first of them – Tris – before and after.

This is how she was before (she was Beatrice).


As you can see, her blue eyes reflected light – too much for my liking.


I decided to give her green eyes for a change. And that’s what she looks like now. Much better, don’t you think?

15 thoughts on “Customized Tris

  1. She looks lovely with the green eyes, they go very well with her hair. I think these dolls are very pretty but their original eyes do let them down.

    1. Thank you, Sharon!! If it wasn’t for you, mine would probably still have their original eyes!! Or I would have sold them by now. All thanks to you!! Do you still have your Claudia?

      1. Hi Olga, yes I still have my Claudia, I really like her a lot with her glass eyes. I don’t change her outfits much because I really like her in her orange outfit from Bonnie and Pearl (and I’m not really into orange clothes!!!) but it suits her so well. I think these dolls are very nice and even more so with their new eyes!!!

        1. Yes, Sharon, I agree with you. These dolls are very nice, but are much better with fixed eyes. I love orange. I guess, that’s because my children love all those colours (yellow, orange, green) that I’ve started liking them, too. They are very happy colours! (I famously can’t stand pink!! my kids don’t like it either!)

      1. Thank you so much for the information-I’ll definitely buy those. Such an improvement. And one more question, if you don’t mind. What kind of eyelashes did you use? They are perfection!

        1. I am glad to be of help! The eyelashes are from one of the numerous BJD companies, can’t remember which one as it was a long time ago that bought those (for my BJDs). Will try to find which one it was and will let you know. Otherwise, any BJD company would be OK. Like Dollmore, for example. I used PVA glue for glueing them in.

  2. I have had my three Bonnie and Pearl Dolls just a few weeks. I just love them as they are, including their eyes. However, I think you have done a great job on Beatrice. I do not have the skill set to do that, even if I wanted to.
    I am amazed at the quality of their clothes and am so glad I went ahead when they had the 20% off sale and bought my girls and most of the wardrobe.!

    1. Thank you, Laurainne. I have 3 B&P dolls, too (down from 5). Which ones do you have?

      I can tell you, changing eyes of American Girl dolls is much harder and scarier than on B&P dolls!!

  3. Hi Olga,
    I have Beatrice, Charlotte and Bonnie.They are utterly gorgeous in my eyes. The postage from the UK was horrific for all I bought,( three dolls and almost the entire wardrobe) but was so worth it.I live in Canada.
    I do so enjoy your blog and have learned so much from you. Thank you ! I hope my sewing becomes as good as yours is some day! Luckily my dolls do not complain!
    Have a lovely day!

    1. Thank you for the compliments, Laurainne! I really appreciate it. Yes, international shipping can be very expensive. For me, it’s very expensive to buy things from the US – because of the customs tax! I also have Charlotte, with the original eyes. Bonnie has new blue eyes, I believe. Haven’t seen her in person, but I think they are darker and do not quite reflect light?

      1. Hi Olga,
        I was just dressing my Beatrice and noticed how dark her eyes are and That they did not reflect the light at all. Just wondering whether the eyes have been changed.
        Have a lovely day!

        1. Hi Laurainne, really? That’s interesting!! They might have changed the eyes then. Because the first ones were really light. That’s good!

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